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Manufacturer's Product Description

While its iconic form has remained largely unchanged, the Aeron Chair by Herman Miller has been remastered from the casters up. With the help of Don Chadwick, the chair's original co-designer, Herman Miller has updated Aeron to incorporate more than 20 years of research on the science of sitting, as well as advancements in materials, manufacturing and technology. Now Aeron has been remastered in practically every way to create an office chair that better supports people and the types of work we do today.

The remastered chair features Herman Miller's new PostureFit SL™ back, featuring adjustable, individual pads that provide lumbar support and stabilize the base of the spine for a more powerful seated posture. This online Aeron Chair configuration includes fully adjustable arms, non-upholstered armpads, adjustable PostureFit SL™ support, tilt limiter and seat angle adjustment with 2.5" versatile hard floor/carpet casters, in a chair size B (fits 80% of population). For additional details, please see the Aeron Info Sheet located to the left beneath product imagery.

Measures: 27" W x 16.75" D x 41.1" H; 16–20.4" Seat Height

The Aeron Chair is available in a wide variety of custom options including additional sizes, standard tilt, leather armpads, basic back support or no arms, as well as a variety of frame finishes. Please contact us directly for swatches or a custom quote.