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Manufacturer's Product Description

Collection: Secret Society
Style #: 4CJ30
Color: Clandestine 400433

Available In:
Broadloom 12 ft
Tile 18 in x 36 in
Tile 24 in x 24 in

Backing Options:
AFIRMA™ Hardback
Easy Street Cushion
High PerformancePC
NexStep™ Cushion
Optimum Barrier™ II
Optimum Barrier™ II RC Cushion
Prestige PlusRC™
AFFIXX™ Hardback


  • Shape: Square,Plank / Rectangle |
  • Construction: Tip Sheared |
  • Dye Method: Piece |
  • Fiber: Nylon 6,6 |
  • Gauge: 1/12" |
  • Pile: 30-39 oz/yd2 |
  • Size: 18" x 36" |
  • Construction : Tip Sheared |
  • Dye (Broadloom): Piece |
  • Fiber (Broadloom): Nylon 6,6 |
  • Gauge (Broadloom): 1/12" |
  • Pile/Face Weight : 30-39 oz/yd2 |
  • Size (Broadloom): 18" x 36" |
  • Pattern: Organic |