A three-component, water-cleanable 100% solids epoxy mortar system for installations where exceptional high-strength and chemical and impact resistance is required. The unique formula produces a mortar with greater bond and compressive strengths and improved chemical resistance over conventional cement or emulsion-based setting systems. EBM-Lite's™ unique and technologically advanced formulation provides non-sag and non-slip features that allows the mortar to hold tile in place. The non-slump capabilities are especially useful for supporting larger format tile or stone in floor installations. Formulated with CustomLite® Technology, it's 30% lighter than other epoxy mortars. This technology allows the handling characteristics of a cement-based mortar but retains the superior performance of an epoxy. It is the first 100% solids epoxy mortar with recycled materials contributing to LEED®. Exceeds ANSI A118.3 standards.