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Manufacturer's Product Description

wooden washbasin model “Onda” essence Teak in picture, finish matte resin transparent with certificate of hygiene.
size : lenght: 1000 mm. – width: 500 mm. – height : 100 mm.
Also available essences : cedar; beech; ash; cherry; american walnut; oak; wengè; zebrano and mahogany, finish matte resin transparent with certificate of hygiene..
Other available lengt: 700 mm. – width: 500 mm. – height : 100 mm.
Of course we are able to design special items following all the customer requests.
Please do not esitate to contact us for more information as regard technical or commercial matters.
washbasins by e-legno group originate from the great experience of master craftsmen who skilfully combine the old knowledge of woodworking with the advantages of modern technology