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Manufacturer's Product Description

Limited-edition fine art close-up naturephotographs. Framed photograph sizes range from 12" x 12" to 32" x 32". Frames are available in Black, White, Oak, Walnut, and Chrome finishes with a double mat in either white or black, each with the photographer's signature, print title, and the print number.

Photographs are sorted by color so that it's easy to find a piece to complement your design. There's a photograph gallery for every color in the rainbow, plus a gallery for all of the lovely shades of grey (nothing is ever really black or white) that life is full of and, finally, a gallery for showing off Mother Nature's talent for mixing her colors in spectacular patterns.

You'll see the planet from a new perspective, find a new favorite color, and bring the abundant beauty of life itself into your heart and your home. All photographs are professionally framed with art quality glass, mats, backing, and hangers.