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Manufacturer's Product Description

Park-Right Tongue Chocks will stabilize your trailer from rolling. Eliminate depressions in your lawn or asphalt and prevents your trailer wheel and jack from sinking into soft, muddy ground.
Portable and lightweight, the Park-Right Tongue Chock is made of durable 100% recycled tire rubber. Designed with gently sloped sides for easy on/off rolling. Won’t fade, crack, or chip.

Runaway trailers
Unlevel setups
Sinking into the ground

10� diameter (across)
4� diameter (center dish)
1 1/2� high

Manufactured from 100� recycled tire rubber
Weather resistant, will not warp, crack or chip
Contoured to fit trailer tongue jacks and camper jack pads
Skid resistant
Note: Not to be used for aircraft applications.