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Manufacturer's Product Description

Guscio [goo-show]

Core Thickness: 3/4″

Pattern Depth: 3/8″

Standard Panel Size: 48″ x 96″ (Guscio can be cut to size.)

Orientation: Horizontal and Vertical pattern orientation.

Pattern Repeat: Standard 48″ x 96″ panels repeat both horizontally and vertically. (Guscio can be force-matched.)

Core Options: Baltic Birch Plywood

Installation Methods: Z-clip hardware, point support, industrial adhesive suitable for wood products, aluminum channeling and other various millwork applications. Because Soelberg Industries does not provide installation services, we recommend that you work directly with a professional contractor or millworker

Natura Disclaimer: The Natura Collection architectural panels are manufactured from a Baltic Birch plywood core. Using unique routing methods, we create texture and dimension by exposing the multiple layers in the plywood core. Soelberg Industries makes every effort to use the highest quality material available. Because of the natural characteristics of plywood, variations in color, pattern, texture, grain, and density should not be considered a defect but rather unique and individual characteristics to your product. While the patterns are programmed to run continuous from sheet to sheet, the color consistency will vary. Clients’ purchase and installation of the “Natura Collection” architectural panels constitute the acknowledgement of the individuality and risks inherent in the use and installation of this natural product.