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Manufacturer's Product Description

Designed to be the most adaptable storage shelving system in the industry, the SmartShelf™ can be configured and reconfigured at any time to satisfy changing storage needs and space availability, enabling the possibility to anticipate potential storage needs. For storing objects of various heights, shelves are adjustable by 1” increments with hooks for lighter objects, or by 1 ½” increments with supports for heavier objects. In the same section, hooks and supports can be used together.
The SmartShelf offers an innovative feature that consists of the only storage system that can be configured as a full-depth or back-to-back system, or a combination of both. For storing large objects of various lengths, full-depth shelves can be used while back-to-back shelves can be used for smaller objects. This versatile and innovative system has even been recognized by the American Patent Office and a patent has been issued for its technology.
Developed to optimize space capacity, the SmartShelf exceeds the shelving system industry standards. Wanting to allow more storage capacity than any other system, the SmartShelf provides additional linear storage capacity of ¾” per shelf. Available in 39 3/8” wide sections, the SmartShelf stores perfectly three archive boxes without loosing space capacity.
The SmartShelf is a user-friendly easy to install storage product. No tools are required to assemble, remove, or reconfigure the shelves. In addition, the full-depth double-side shelves can be put in or taken out without moving or taking off the shelves above or below. For fixed units only, each post shall have an integrated leveler which allows for ¾” adjustment to accommodate for uneven floor surface.
The only limit to the versatility of the SmartShelf hybrid shelving system from Montel is your imagination! Be creative and see where the SmartShelf takes you.

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