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Manufacturer's Product Description

Lustra™ elongated, closed-front toilet seat with antimicrobial agent and support arms

This Lustra solid plastic toilet seat features stainless steel support arms, which convert a toilet into a convalescent unit easily and economically. The seat features a chip-resistant, polypropylene finish that will not stain or peel, and an elongated, closed-front design with a cover. Additionally, an antimicrobial agent formed into the plastic inhibits the growth of odor-causing bacteria, mold and mildew on the seat.

Elongated, closed-front toilet seat with support arms & cover
Sturdy, chip-resistant polypropylene with a finish that won't stain or peel
Includes an antimicrobial agent formed into the plastic which inhibits the growth of odor causing bacteria, mold and mildew on the toilet seat
List price: $283.05 and up