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Manufacturer's Product Description

Symbol™ riser tubes

Inspired by organic elements, Symbol faucets by Kohler convey fluidity, purity and versatility. The inherent characteristics of plants, flowers and our own affinity for nature serve as a design foundation, imparting this classically modern line with an unpretentious beauty. The fluid sensibility of Symbol achieves a brilliant balance when paired with the modern vernacular of the Escale Suite, but would be equally delightful with the Purist Suite and many other KOHLER fixtures.

For use with Symbol bath faucets, these riser tubes are ideal for floor-mount faucet installations
KOHLER finishes resist corrosion and tarnishing, exceeding industry durability standards two times
Premium material construction for durability and reliability
Coordinates well with Escale and Purist fixture suites
Fluid, organic design complements a wide variety of fixture aesthetics
List price: $468.60 and up