Designer: Patricia Urquiola
This product is created from the assembly of a series of different sized modular panels that, linked together with hinges, provide backrest and armrest around a comfortable horizontal seat cushion. These upholstered panels are locked together and are supported by the legs. Their concave shaped outer surface contributes to the visual ТanimationУ of the elements. The different sized panels create a series of armchairs and compact sofas with different widths and depths.
Internal frame: tubular steel and steel sections
Internal frame padding: BayfitЁ(BayerЁ) flexible cold shaped polyurethane foam, polyester fibre wadding
Feet and joints: steelbright chromed matt varnished bordeaux
white black
Armrest cover, back: thermoplastic body bordeaux white black
covered in leather
Cover: fabric leather
Glides: thermoplastic material
Small table tops: HPL black laminate stratified white black
Plywood panel, multi-laminate ebony surface
For product technical details please download pdf file.