Where a lightweight, high-thermal-conductivity conventional plasterapplication is desired
Structo-Lite® Brand Basecoat is a mill-mixed, perlite-aggregate gypsumplaster. It requires only the addition of water at the jobsite.Structo-Lite Basecoat is USG's lightest-weight and most highly insulatedplaster.
Structo-Lite Basecoat provides a plastic working material that will conformto various designs and help achieve durability in walls and ceilings.Structo-Lite Basecoat can be applied by hand or machine methods, on gypsum ormetal lath, clay tile, concrete or cinder blocks and other approved plasterbases.
Structo-Lite® Brand Basecoat weighs half as much as sanded plaster and isperfect for locations where an aggregate is not needed or wanted. Quick andeasy to apply by hand or machine over gypsum or metal lath, Structo-LiteBasecoat mixes easily with water at the jobsite and is a good choice insituations where high thermal conductivity is needed. Available in regular ormasonry formulation.
Mill-mixed perlite-aggregate gypsum plaster provides a plastic workingmaterial for walls and ceilings
Aggregate-free formulation saves time and labor
Lightweight plaster is quick and easy to apply
Strong insulation properties provide K factor of 1.74, three times theinsulation value of sanded plaster
Follow good safety and industrial hygiene practices during handling and installation of all products and systems. Take necessary precautions and wear the appropriate personal protective equipment as needed. Read material safety data sheets and related literature on products before specification and/or installation.
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