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Manufacturer's Product Description

Dining Table and Chairs, Sideboard, and Coffee Table

The Daisy Dia Collection features vivid textures, graphic dynamism, and whimsical patterns. Utilizing sycamore, a sustainable tree, Pia found a creative and sensible solution to increase wood yield and minimize wood waste. Pia's ecologically ethos led her to create pieces of playful sensibility, visual complexity, and stylish functionality.

Tabletop highlights Pia's untraditional perspective to graphic design. Creating marquetry from small pieces of high-quality woods, she balances the hard edges of the wood blocks in the bases with decorative designs of pointy-petalled daisies and fanciful, floating pirogues (conoes) following lines of color. Pia comments, "To set myself free from the familiar I have to sit still, think differently, and follow innovative paths. Others will probably think of the pirogues as leaves, but that's OK. Part of the pleasure my work offers is the fanciful details that invite personal interpretations.

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