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Manufacturer's Product Description

Interactivity you can rely on—year after year

The comprehensive eno one fixed wall mount provides an efficient solution for years of interactivity in the classroom. From drywall to concrete, eno one installs on any type of wall. The unobtrusive ultra-short throw projector minimizes shadows and glare. And, the dedicated projector icon strip gives the teacher more control—right at the board. With unsurpassed durability and teacher conveniences, eno one will bring inspiration to the classroom year after year.

The eno one advantage

eno one simplifies purchasing for districts, installation for schools, instruction for teachers and comprehension for students. With its eno interactive whiteboard, PolyVision ultra-short throw projector, educational software, and adjustable mount in a single solution from one provider, eno one allows teachers to begin teaching while other schools are still in the purchase process.

Flexibility—Save valuable lesson time by controlling and interacting with eno, the projector and peripherals in one place: at the board. Teachers are always ready to demonstrate key concepts from the front of the classroom.

More time for lessons—Integration of eno one’s multi-user, multi-media and multi-functional features enable quick lesson reference and seamless instruction. A fun learning environment is guaranteed for all.

Uncomplicated training—With just one solution to learn, teachers use dedicated buttons to manipulate the board and projector and seamlessly teach with the software they have always known and loved, maximizing valuable classroom time.

Maximized budgets—Purchasing and support from one company, coupled with simple installation, reduces time and costs for schools and districts seeking to get the most from their interactive technology implementation.

Cleaner and greener classrooms—The eno board is environmentally certified, recyclable and made with PolyVision’s virtually indestructible e3 environmental ceramicsteel™ surface. So, choosing the eno one interactive classroom solution helps conserve natural resources and ensures clean air in the classroom—protecting our earth and children for generations

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