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Manufacturer's Product Description


IQ-Touch™ Controls
For those who like to have their options always visible, the IQ-Touch™ control panel displays your options at all times.

Luxury-Glide® Cool Zone™ Drawer
This drawer keeps contents chilled, so it's perfect for wine and beer or even snacks and juice boxes.

Luxury-Design® Glass Shelves
All-glass shelves crafted for exceptional beauty and function.

Luxury-Design® Lighting
Our ramp-up designer lighting is as beautiful as it is functional.

PureAdvantage® Filtration Systems
Our filtration system keeps clean, filtered air circulated throughout to prevent odor transfer and keeps fresh, clean water and ice at your fingertips.

Luxury-Glide® Crisper Drawers
Drawers smoothly glide out and keep produce fresh with adjustable humidity control and minimal temperature variation.

Luxury-Glide® Freezer Drawers
Drawers glide out smoothly and fully extend giving you easy access to what's inside.

Alarm System
Notifies you if there's been a power failure, if a door stays open longer than five minutes and if the interior temperature of the refrigerator ever rises above 56 degrees for more than 20 minutes.