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Manufacturer's Product Description

Standard features
Designed for vented or recirculated use
Width: 30" (76.2cm)
Center-mounted controls
3 fan speeds, plus intense
Automatic shut-off of intensive level, programmable for 10 minutes
Integrated halogen lighting with dimmer function
Double-sided, single motor system moves up to 625 CFM
110 volt connection
Min and Max Vented Height: 30.31" - 41.93"
Min and Max Recirculated Height: 34.65" - 47.25"
Maximum custom height: 78.75"
Exhaust connection 6" (150 mm) diameter

Optional accessories not included
Necessary accessories for recirculation mode:
DKF 11-1 Charcoal Filter & DUW 20 Recirculation Kit
Miele Ceramic and Stainless Steel Cleaner

Available finishes
RAL Colors, over 200 options
Brushed Stainless Steel

Chimney extension kits
DATK1-760 Chimney Extension
DATK1-1000 Chimney Extension