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Manufacturer's Product Description

Wood species | Oak
Collection | Quarter Sawn Oak Collection
Grade | Quarter Sawn Select & Better
Finish | Lacquer CosNanoTech+
Sheen | Semigloss, 29-35 GU/60?
Structural Warranty | Lifetime
Finish Warranty | 25 years
Length | Random 1’...6’

Quarter sawn oak Natural flooring comes with factory applied CosNanoTech+ lacquer semigloss finish. CosNanoTech+ finish is composed of 12 coats of top quality sealers and compounds with aluminum oxide for extra durability. Crosslinked nano particles are used to increase finish elasticity and maintain high wear resistance. Coswick CosNanoTech+ finish has a 25-year finish warranty.

Quarter sawn oak Natural flooring is available as:

-solid hardwood (3/4" X 3 1/4").

Matching trims and moldings, as well as care and maintenance products are available. For more information, call 905-569-3389 or find a local Coswick representative at