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Manufacturer's Product Description

CE.SI. produces glazed porcelain tiles, in a spectrum of solid colors, in the Lake Como region of northern Italy.
Sizes + Finishes
Standard nominal (and actual) tile sizes include 2?x2? (1.96?x1.96?), 2?x8? (1.96?x7.87?), 4?x4? (3.93?x3.93?), 4?x8? (3.93?x7.87?), 4?x12? (3.93?x11.81?), 6?x6? (5.9?x5.9?), 8?x8? (7.87?x7.87?), and 12?x12? (11.81?x11.81?). The 2?x2? tiles are available as a mesh-mounted mosaic pattern. Trim pieces are also available.
CE.SI. tiles are available in matte, gloss, and anti-slip finishes, depending on color and finish. See availability chart below.
Tiles are suitable for interior and exterior walls. Select colors and finishes are recommended for use in residential and light/medium commercial flooring applications (pei rating: 4).