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Manufacturer's Product Description

Slim LED Baffle
illuminated felt ceiling baffle
Slim LED Baffle provides a beautiful acoustic ceiling aesthetic that adds dimension to any space, while also integrating overhead lighting for a multi-functional solution. Lights, baffles, action!

Available in 30 standard colors and prints, as well as standard and custom dimensions. Technical Specifications

Average NRC 1.4 (subject to thickness and mounting conditions)

100% polyester fiber acoustic felt.

Yes! 60% recycled PET materials, 40% new material, non-toxic, non-allergenic, non-irritant, no coatings or sprays which degrade over time.

Fire Rating
ASTM E84 Class A Fire Spread rating is permanently achieved by infusing 40% new material into the panel. MPS never uses sprays or coatings that degrade and lose their rating status.