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Manufacturer's Product Description

Thor Dining Table
In Norse mythology, Thor is portrayed as a huge, strongly built, red-bearded fellow with a huge appetite. The god of Thunder & Sky could be fearsome with his hot temper, but many myths portray him in an affectionate way with general good-nature. His favored weapon, Mjölnir, was a hammer that had power to “level except by a ‘worthy’ individual. Inspired by this myth, the Thor Table is produced by skilled artisans in our LIC Studio with a solid base of steel and a warm Satinwood (aka Ironwood) top. The rigid design provides a surface for powerful interaction & activity.

Kumbuk, Mara, or Satinwood Top, Natural Finish
Blackened, Brushed, or Natural Steel Base
Additional $2,000 for Brushed Steel
30”H x 120”L x 36”W