Simply mix the amount you need with water, apply and the compound sets in 2-3 hours. Sheetrock® Brand Firecode® Compound is auto-bonding and will bond to cured compound, making repairs easy and can be sanded and painted when dry. It dries to a red color that is easily identified by fire marshals. Firecode® Compound is non-toxic and free from silicones, solvents, halogens, PCB’s, asbestos and inorganic fiber.
Main Features
Each batch of Sheetrock® Brand Firecode® Compound yields approximately 75 minutes of working time. Sheetrock® Brand Firecode® Compoundis UL-classified in accordance with ASTM E84 (ANSI/UL 723), ASTM E814 (ANSI/UL 1479), ULC-S115 and ASTM E1966 (ANSI/UL 2079). Effective in numerous UL systems for through-penetrations and head-of-wall applications in USG™ Fire Stop Systems Enhances smoke and fire protection in curtain wall safing applications of Thermafiber® Life-Safety Fire Containment System Fast and easy to mix and apply Distinctive red color makes inspection and installation confirmation easy
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