Low-consistency, chemically hardening-powder compounds that are specifically designed for the time-sensitive requirements of industrialized construction. Sheetrock® Brand MH Joint Compounds are ideal for drywall joint ?nishing when the application requires sanding.
Main Features
Sheetrock® Brand MH Joint Compounds are designed for the time-sensitive requirements of industrialized construction. The compounds: Produce crack-resistant joints on walls and ceilings and excellent check-crack resistance in heavy fills Mix easily, dry quickly, and deliver an exceptionally strong bond with low shrinkage, resulting in flatter joints Set quickly for rapid joint ?nishing and decorating Provide excellent joint strength and crack-resistance when applied over Sheetrock® Brand MH Tuf-Tape™ Joint Tape Sheetrock® Brand MH Joint Compounds are available in two formulations: Sheetrock® Brand MH Tuf-Set™ High Early Strength (HES) Setting-Type Joint Compound and Sheetrock® Brand MH Tuf-Set™ Setting-Type Joint Compound. Sheetrock® Brand MH Tuf-Set™ HES Setting-Type Joint Compound develops 40 to 50-percent more joint strength than regular hardening compounds Sheetrock® Brand MH Tuf-Set™ Setting-Type Joint Compound produces as solid and strong a joint in just two coats as regular USG Sheetrock® Brand Durabond® Joint Compounds and regular USG Sheetrock® Brand Joint Tape provide in three when applied over USG Sheetrock® Brand MH Tuf-Tape™ Joint Tape or USG Imperial® Tape Type P
Administrative Offices
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