designed by Humanscale Design Studio
The Switch Mouse is the revolutionary mousing solution that brings unprecedented ergonomics to computer users. The unique design features of this peripheral device, including a V-shaped based and four-way scrolling dish, deliver exceptional user comfort.
The Switch Mouse is designed for maximum user comfort. The peripheral device, including a V-shaped based and four-way scrolling dish, reduces injury risks among computer users. Plus, it is the only mousing solution that accommodates both left and right handed users while being adjustable in size.
Ingenious Design
The tilted angle of the Switch Mouse, created by the V-shaped bottom of the device, positions the wrist and forearm at a 45-degree angle – a natural pronation known to minimize pressure in the carpal tunnel. The Switch Mouse's circular five-button navigation dish minimizes tendon movement and, as an added benefit, allows for horizontal scrolling.
Ergonomic Ease
Many hand and wrist injuries can be attributed to long-term mouse use. The Switch Mouse uses the latest ergonomics research to minimize health risks associated with long-term mouse use by offering an integrated palm support to prevent wrist anchoring.
Personal Adaptability
The Switch Mouse is length adjustable to fit hands of nearly any size. Its symmetric shape equally accommodates right or left-handed use of the device.