Dri-Design® is a metal, dry joint, rain screen, pressure equalized wall panel system. True dry joints, no sealants, no gaskets.
System Depth - Is 1 ½" Nominal
Panel Joints - Are ½ " - 5/8" Nominal
Material Type - Half hard Copper
Material Thickness - varies and is dependant on the panel size. The most common thicknesses are .050, .062 and .080.
Panel Corners - soldered or sealed
Weight - varies between 2 ½ and 3 ½ pounds per square foot
Size Limitations - Panels that fit into these size parameters can be manufactured as Dri-Design®.
Finishes - Bright Copper and Pre-Patinated by Revere
Best Size - For lowest cost 36" x 36"
Details - Formed flashings
Outsite Corner Options
- Custom soldered
- Formed flashings
Substrate Requirements
- Substrate is required, 5/8" plywood preferred
- Weather barrier is required
- ASTM E 283 for Air- passed
- ASTM E 331 for Water- 15 psf
- ASTM E 330 for Structural- 65 psf
This information is subject to change without notice.