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Manufacturer's Product Description

Some forms are omnipresent or, at least, generally recognized. These archetypal forms, however simple they may seem, often bring about innovating results when taken out of their original context and used as a new point of departure for furniture design. A single surface and the correct folds are the simple point of departure for origami, the art of creating a perfectly proportioned three dimensional representation of an object using a single sheet of paper.
By, origamiwise, folding a sheet of wood, a piece of furniture takes shape. In this case a table and stool. Taking the thickness of the ‘surface’ into account, the table is a cube of 80 by 80 by 80 cm. The deviating heights for both the seat and the table top accent the folding lines and proportions.
Similar to origami and as goes for all of Casimir’s furniture designs, no extra materials, supporting or joining elements have been added to the construction. Kleine Tafel consists of solid wood and glued wooden joints only.
Dimensions: 110 x 80 x 80 cm