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Manufacturer's Product Description

Use: Wallcovering
Solution: High Performance Wallcovering
Contents: 100% IFR Xorel
A $3.00 per yard cut charge applies to orders under 50 yards

Product Specifications
Width: 52" (132 cm)
Backing: X-Protect™ Wall
Brand: Xorel®
Weight: 16 oz/linear yard
Flame Retardancy: ASTM E84 Class A / Class 1

NFPA 265 Room Corner Test
Cleaning Code: WS & BC-Water/Solvent & Bleach Cleanable
Alternate Uses: Panels, Upholstery, Xorel Artform
Available Backings: Non Woven
Available Finishes: Microventing
ECO Info: Cradle to Cradle Certified Silver

facts Certified Silver

SCS Indoor Advantage™ Gold

Free of PVC, chlorine, plasticizers, heavy metals, ozone depleting chemicals

No topical finishes

Extremely low VOCs, antimicrobial, safely disposable

Responsible Return Program