    All Categories
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    Appliances & Electronics
    Audio & Visual
    Music/Audio System
    Hand Dryers
    Deck Mounted Hand Dryers
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    Laundry Appliances
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    Clothes Washers
    Miscellaneous Appliances & Electronics
    Building Systems
    Building Accessories
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    Engineered Wood
    Exterior Glazing
    Exterior Sun Control
    Facades and Cladding
    Fiber Cement Cladding
    Metal Siding and Cladding
    Other Siding and Cladding
    Wood Siding and Cladding
    Fiberboard and Particleboard
    Insulating Concrete Forms
    Acoustic Insulation
    Blanket and Batt Insulation
    Board Insulation
    Foamed-In-Place Insulation
    Interior Window Treatments
    Louvers / Grilles
    Preserved Wood
    Railings / Fencing
    Structural Insulated Panels
    Weather Barriers
    Ceiling Systems
    Drywall & Gypsum Ceilings
    Fabric Ceilings
    Metal Ceilings
    Mineral & Wood Fiber / Wool & Fiber Glass Ceilings
    Other Ceilings
    Suspension / Grid Systems
    Wood Ceilings
    Area Rugs
    Broadloom Carpet
    Entry-Walk Off
    Modular Carpet
    Dance Flooring
    Hardwood Flooring
    Laminate Flooring
    Masonry Flooring
    Raised Flooring
    Resilient Flooring
    Other Resilient - Non-Vinyl
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    Stair Treads
    Miscellaneous Treads
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    Vinyl Flooring
    Heterogeneous Sheets
    Homogeneous Sheets
    Luxury Vinyl Tile
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    Wood Veneer / Laminate
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    Miscellaneous Tile
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    Porcelain Tile
    Quarry Tile
    Wood Paneling
    Paints, Stains & Coatings
    High-Performance Coatings
    Exterior Paints
    Interior Paints
    Paint Colors
    Movable / Demountable Walls
    Plaster & Gypsum Boards
    Wall Panels
    Wall Protection
    Cork Wallcoverings
    Other Wallcoverings
    Textile Wallcoverings
    Vinyl Wallcoverings
    Acoustical Solutions
    Boards / Easels
    Flooring Accessories
    Floor Sealants and Coatings
    Flooring Adhesives
    Other Flooring Accessories
    Wall Bases
    Door Hardware / Hinges
    Handles / Knobs / Pulls
    Miscellaneous Accessories
    Multipurpose Surfaces Accessories
    Metal and Wood Trim
    Other Multipurpose Surfaces Accessories
    Privacy / Boundary Screens
    Projection Screens / Video Walls
    Technology Accessories
    Computer Accessories
    Monitor Arms
    Power and Data Accessories
    Wall Accessories
    Other Wall Accessories
    Wall Backings
    Wall Sealants
    Auxiliary Furniture
    Lecterns / Podiums
    Reception Stations
    Recycling Stations
    Seating & Chairs
    Bench Seating
    Fixed Seating
    Lounge Seating
    Modular Seating
    Outdoor Seating
    Public Seating
    Self-supported Seating
    Fixed-height Stools
    Multi-use Guest Chairs
    Stacking / Nesting Chairs
    Specialty Furnishing
    Education Specialized Seating
    Education Specialized Tables / Desks
    Seating & Chairs
    Bariatric Seating
    Caregiver Stools
    Healthcare Lounge
    Hip Chairs
    Patient Chairs
    Rockers / Gliders
    Sleepover Seating
    Treatment Chairs
    Miscellaneous Healthcare
    Overbed Tables
    Patient Room Casegoods
    Technology Carts / Cabinets
    Technology Wall Stations
    Freestanding / Mobile Pedestals
    High-density Filing
    Miscellaneous Filing
    Seating & Chairs
    Executive Chairs
    High-performing Chairs / Stools
    Other Work Chairs
    Conference Tables
    Other Work Tables
    Training Tables
    Workstations & Filing
    Benching Systems
    Freestanding Table Desks
    Height-Adjustable Tables / Systems
    Integrated Technologies
    Non Panel-Based Systems
    Panels and Panel-based Systems
    Privacy Booths / Meeting Pods
    Private Office Groupings
    Bookcases / Open Storage
    Cubbies / Lockers
    Storage Cases / Cabinets
    Cafe Tables
    Occasional Tables
    Outdoor Tables
    Interior Window Treatments
    Textiles & Leathers
    Leather / Faux Leather
    Panel Fabric
    Privacy Curtains
    Window Coverings
    Accent Light / Track Light
    Acoustic Lighting
    Architectural / Linear / Suspended
    Decorative Lighting
    Bath and Vanity Lighting
    Decorative Pendants
    Table and Floor Lamps
    Direct / Indirect
    Downlight / Surface Mount
    High-bay / Low-bay
    Other Industrial Lighting
    Lighting Accessories
    Lighting Controls
    Other Lighting Accessories
    Power Supply
    Testing Equipment
    Cove light
    Handrail Light
    Perimeter Wall Slot
    Recessed Linear
    Strip Light / Tape Light
    Outdoor Lighting
    Area / Roadway / Street Lighting
    Landscape / Path Light / Inground
    Outdoor Wall Lighting / Sconces
    Sconce / Wall Mount
    Specialty Lighting
    Canopy Lighting / Parking Garage Lights
    Custom Lighting
    Exit / Emergency Lighting
    Fiber Optics / Light Pipe
    LED Panels / Light Panels
    Underwater Light
    Step Light
    Task Light / Under-Cabinet
    Wall Washer / Wall Grazer
    Green Walls / Wall Gardens
    Site Furnishings
    Stormwater Treatment
    Swimming Pools & Pool Equipment
    Umbrellas / Shade Systems
    Bathing Enclosure Systems
    Shower Doors
    Shower Pans & Surfaces
    Bathroom Vanities
    Bathroom Faucets
    Bathtubs / Shower Faucets
    Bidet Faucets
    Kitchen Faucets
    Garbage Disposal / Disposer
    Miscellaneous Plumbing
    Graywater Systems
    Plumbing Accessories
    Rainwater Catchment and Storage
    Trench Drains
    Wastewater Treatment
    Water Filters
    Water Heat Exchangers
    Water Heaters
    Shower Systems & Heads
    Bathroom Sinks
    Integrated Sink Systems
    Kitchen Sinks
    Toilet Partition Systems
    Toilets / Bidets
    Washroom Accessories
    Grab Bars
    Other Washroom Accessories
    Paper Towel Dispenser
    Sanitary Napkin Disposal
    Soap Dispenser
    Toilet Seat cover Dispenser
    Toilet Tissue Dispensers
    Washroom Mirror
    Water Bottle Fillers
    CSI Categories
    02 00 00 Existing conditions
    02 50 00 Site remediation
    03 00 00 Concrete
    03 11 00 Concrete forming
    03 11 19 Insulating concrete forming
    04 00 00 Masonry
    04 40 00 Stone assemblies
    05 00 00 Metals
    05 05 00 Common work results for metals
    05 05 13 Shop-applied coatings for metal
    05 12 00 Structural steel framing
    05 55 00 Metal stair treads and nosings
    06 00 00 Wood, plastics, and composites
    06 05 00 Common work results for wood, plastics, and composites
    06 11 00 Wood framing
    06 11 13 Engineered wood products
    06 12 00 Structural panels
    06 16 00 Sheathing
    06 16 23 Subflooring
    06 16 26 Underlayment
    06 41 00 Architectural wood casework
    06 60 00 Plastic fabrications
    07 00 00 Thermal and moisture protection
    07 08 00 Commissioning of thermal and moisture protection
    07 21 00 Thermal insulation
    07 25 00 Weather barriers
    07 40 00 Roofing and siding panels
    08 00 00 Openings
    08 10 00 Doors and frames
    08 50 00 Windows
    08 70 00 Hardware
    08 71 00 Door hardware
    08 80 00 Glazing
    08 81 00 Glass glazing
    08 81 13 Decorative glass glazing
    008 83 00 Mirrors
    08 87 00 Glazing surface films
    09 00 00 Finishes
    09 20 00 Plaster and gypsum board
    09 29 00 Gypsum board
    09 50 00 Ceilings
    09 51 00 Acoustical ceilings
    09 51 13 Acoustical panel ceilings
    09 53 00 Acoustical ceiling suspension assemblies
    09 54 00 Specialty ceilings
    09 60 00 Flooring
    09 62 00 Specialty flooring
    09 62 19 Laminate flooring
    09 64 00 Wood flooring
    09 65 00 Resilient flooring
    09 67 00 Fluid-applied flooring
    09 68 00 Carpeting
    09 68 13 Tile carpeting
    09 68 16 Sheet carpeting
    09 69 00 Access flooring
    09 70 00 Wall finishes
    09 72 00 Wall coverings
    09 72 23 Wallpapering
    09 74 00 Flexible wood sheets
    09 74 16 Flexible wood veneers
    09 90 00 Painting and coating
    09 91 00 Painting
    09 91 13 Exterior painting
    09 91 23 Interior painting
    09 93 00 Staining and transparent finishing
    09 93 23 Interior staining and finishing
    09 96 00 High-performance coatings
    10 00 00 Specialties
    10 11 00 Visual display surfaces
    10 14 00 Signage
    10 21 00 Compartments and cubicles
    10 21 13 Toilet compartments
    10 22 00 Partitions
    10 26 00 Wall and door protection
    10 28 00 Toilet, bath, and laundry accessories
    10 28 16 Bath accessories
    10 30 00 Fireplaces and stoves
    10 31 00 Manufactured fireplaces
    10 50 00 Storage specialties
    10 51 00 Lockers
    10 71 00 Exterior protection
    10 71 13 Exterior sun control devices
    10 81 00 Pest control devices
    11 00 00 Equipment
    11 31 00 Residential appliances
    11 31 23 Residential laundry appliances
    11 40 00 Foodservice equipment
    11 41 00 Food storage equipment
    11 44 00 Food cooking equipment
    11 44 13 Commercial ranges
    11 44 16 Commercial ovens
    11 48 00 Cleaning and disposal equipment
    11 48 13 Commercial dishwashers
    11 52 00 Audio-visual equipment
    12 00 00 Furnishings
    12 05 00 Common work results for furnishings
    12 12 00 Wall decorations
    12 12 26 Wall hangings
    12 20 00 Window treatments
    12 35 00 Specialty casework
    12 35 70 Healthcare casework
    12 36 00 Countertops
    12 36 61 Simulated stone countertops
    12 40 00 Furnishings and accessories
    12 43 00 Portable lamps
    12 43 13 Lamps
    12 48 00 Rugs and mats
    12 50 00 Furniture
    12 51 00 Office furniture
    12 51 16 Case goods
    12 51 19 Filing cabinets
    12 52 00 Seating
    12 52 13 Chairs
    12 52 23 Office seating
    12 52 70 Healthcare seating
    12 54 00 Hospitality furniture
    12 56 00 Institutional furniture
    12 56 33 Classroom furniture
    12 56 39 Lecterns
    12 56 70 Healthcare furniture
    12 58 00 Residential furniture
    12 58 19 Dining tables and chairs
    12 58 29 Beds
    12 59 00 Systems furniture
    12 93 00 Site furnishings
    13 00 00 Special construction
    13 34 00 Fabricated engineered structures
    14 00 00 Conveying equipment
    14 20 00 Elevators
    22 00 00 Plumbing
    22 14 00 Facility storm drainage
    22 40 00 Plumbing fixtures
    22 42 00 Commercial plumbing fixtures
    22 42 13 Commercial water closets, urinals, and bidets
    22 42 16 Commercial lavatories and sinks
    22 42 39 Commercial faucets, supplies, and trim
    23 00 00 Heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (hvac)
    23 09 00 Instrumentation and control for hvac
    23 30 00 Hvac air distribution
    23 34 00 Hvac fans
    23 36 00 Air terminal units
    23 38 00 Ventilation hoods
    23 52 00 Heating boilers
    23 54 00 Furnaces
    23 57 00 Heat exchangers for hvac
    23 64 00 Packaged water chillers
    23 65 00 Cooling towers
    23 71 00 Thermal storage
    23 72 00 Air-to-air energy recovery equipment
    23 76 00 Evaporative air-cooling equipment
    23 81 00 Decentralized unitary hvac equipment
    23 82 00 Convection heating and cooling units
    23 82 14 Chilledbeams
    25 00 00 Integrated automation
    25 50 00 Integrated automation facility controls
    26 00 00 Electrical
    26 09 00 Instrumentation and control for electrical systems
    26 27 00 Low-voltage distribution equipment
    26 30 00 Facility electrical power generating and storing equipment
    26 31 00 Photovoltaic collectors
    26 51 00 Interior lighting
    26 51 13 Interior lighting fixtures, lamps, and ballasts
    26 56 00 Exterior lighting
    32 00 00 Exterior improvements
    32 30 00 Site improvements
Recent Searches
Herman Miller

Garden on the Wall®

(973) 567-6800 | 30 Wychwood Road Livingston, NJ 07039
As pioneers and undisputed leaders in this emerging ecological genre within the U.S. Architectural & Design field, we assist clients in achieving their biophilic design aspirations. Our garden installations offer substantial time and cost savings as they do not require water, sunlight, or soil, and maintain their vibrant appearance for 7-10 Read More...


As pioneers and undisputed leaders in this emerging ecological genre within the U.S. Architectural & Design field, we assist clients in achieving their biophilic design aspirations.

Our garden installations offer substantial time and cost savings as they do not require water, sunlight, or soil, and maintain their vibrant appearance for 7-10 years. By eliminating the challenges associated with maintaining living walls or plants, while also providing unmatched visual & longevity standards, we have established ourselves as the most recognized and thus the preferred preserved garden supplier in this thriving industry.

To date, we have completed over 1,600+ projects, encompassing an impressive 159,000+ square feet of garden installations, at more than 60 Fortune 500 companies, prominent Retail & Hospitality establishments, and esteemed Healthcare Institutions.

Additionally, our collaborations with the Top 100 Interior Design Giants have further solidified our industry presence.

We take great pride in our widespread recognition and numerous accolades, which include the Planet Positive Award, Honorary Mention 2023 by Metropolis Magazine, the Best of Year Award 2018 by Interior Design Magazine, Finalist for NYC X Design in 2019, Best Product of the Year in the Innovation in Design Award by NY C&G Magazine in 2019, 3 Architizer A+ Awards in 2020 across two different categories, Honorable Mention by The Architect's Newspaper Best Products of the Year in 2021, Architizer A+ Award in 2022, and Best of Year Award 2022 by Interior Design Magazine in December 2022.

Dedicated to product transparency and green, sustainable design principles, GOTW places sustainability at the core of our gardens.

The preserved plants utilized in our garden installations are sustainably cultivated in Europe. These plants undergo a preservation process wherein a non-toxic, plant-based, and biodegradable preservation liquid replaces the plant sap, effectively "freezing" the plants in time while maintaining their fresh-cut appearance. Our garden designs function as art installations that closely mimic the natural world.

Our unwavering commitment to utilizing premium preserved plants, combined with our meticulous fabrication and installation procedures, empowers us to provide a comprehensive 5-Year Warranty. However, it is important to note that the lifespan of our indoor garden installations and planters far exceeds this warranty period, typically lasting 10-15 years while retaining their "fresh-cut" appearance.

We also developed rejuvenation program for the gardens that are affected negatively due to Sun, UV or constant light exposure. The light damage that these gardens suffered can be fixed with our rejuvenation program, where the garden elements are revived to turn in to the first day of their installation. With this system, we extend the life cycle of our gardens up to 25 years, giving us unparalleled longevity.

We do also have a ReLeaf program for our gardens that are over 20 years old, and no longer needed by our clients. With ReLeaf program, we take these garden panels (conditions apply) to repurpose, recycle, and reuse in other gardens, or planter inserts, giving them a second life, while preventing the landfill, in line with our commitment to Circular Economy.

For more information and a visual showcase of our projects, please visit our website at

We eagerly anticipate collaborating with environmentally conscious designers and contractors to transform biophilic aspirations into reality.

By furnishing and installing each new garden, we strive to contribute towards creating a better world, one garden at a time.

Brand History/Mission Statement:
Our Mission is to elevate the spirit of others by bringing maintenance free nature installations to imaginative interior design spaces. However, more recently we are also considering a broader term for our scope of work, and the nature of our work we present to the rest of the world. So, the updated version of our Mission Statement is; Neurologically, psychologically, aesthetically, and meaningfully… Garden on the Wall® is dedicated to impacting people’s lives positively through our preserved garden installations.

Certification and Sustainability:
• Published Health Product Declaration (HPD 2.3) that discloses ingredients up to 100 parts per million
• Compliance with the California Department of Public Health's (CDPH) VOC standards for classroom and office environments
• Extensive contributions toward LEED® v4.1 projects (BD+C, ID+C, O+M)
• Declare Label
• Certified Red List Free
• Class 1 (and Class A) flame spread and smoke index ratings (ASTM E84) for all garden types
• Installation features that adhere to the requirements of the WELL Building Standard™
• Listing in the mindful MATERIALS (mM) database
• Listing in the Sustainable Minds Transparency Catalog
• Proven noise reduction capabilities with a 0.44 Noise Reduction Coefficient and 0.45 Sound Absorption Average
• Compliance with the Healthy Hospitals Initiative (HHI)
• Considerable contributions toward Fitwel® certification
• 100% bio-based carbon content per ASTM 6866 to ensure no off-gassing
• Compliance with BREEAM Building Standards
• Rejuvenation program that restores the "fresh-cut" color of gardens in cases of light or sun damage
• AIA/IDCEC Accredited Continuing Education Unit

Company Info

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Website URL for Rep Contacts:

Please reach out to us with an email to communicate with our marketing/project management/design teams.