If you have been searching for a way to provide additional safety at the top of your alternating tread stair, we now have the answer. Our new safety gate attaches to the top rails of our alternating tread stairs. This is the first gate designed with the dimensions and connections needed to provide a perfect fit on an alternating tread stair. Completely reversible, the gate swings 180° and has several installation options. It attaches to the stair handrails or to the platform at the top of the stair. You will only find this model gate by calling Lapeyre Stair as it is manufactured exclusively for us by PS Doors. Contact your Lapeyre Stair customer service representative for more details at 800-535-7631.
Safety Gate Design Details:
* Dimensions:
o Gate Width: 18"
o Overall Vertical Height: 30¼"
* Connections:
o Mounting Bracket:PS DOORS standard, exclusive Universal Pivot Clamp Bracket to fit railings up to 2" OD.
o Hinge Plate: Mounting holes for reversible swing adjustment.
o Hinge Springs: Torsion type, stainless steel. Provide two (2) springs per gate, housed within hinge pivot.
* Materials:
o Carbon Steel
+ Gate Arm:Formed 1-1/4" square, 11 gauge steel tubing with center rail.
+ Finish:On all exposed surfaces. Choose from options below:
# Powder Coat Safety Yellow. Fasteners to be zinc plated.
# Hot Dip Galvanized. Fasteners to be zinc plated.
o Stainless Steel,grade 304, mill finish, acid washed and rinsed after fabrication, interfering welds are ground, not polished. Fasteners to be stainless steel.
* Gate Operation:
o Allows for 180° travel. Gate swing is reversible by repositioning Gate Hoop on Hinge Plate.
Shipping Weight: 24lbs