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Manufacturer's Product Description

Smith & Fong manufactures a Full Line of Quality Bamboo Plywood - All Bamboo plywood is 100% bamboo material - All Bamboo plywood is unfinished upon manufacture - Bamboo plywood is compatible with Industrial finishes - Can be fire-treated to meet Class 1 requirements - Bamboo plywood is a stock item and always available - Custom sizes available up to 13' in length Click on links below for items: Bamboo Plywood Application and Usage Bamboo plywood is made from 100 percent rapidly renewable bamboo, using adhesives that are both strong and low-emitting. Bamboo plywood can be cut and sanded using conventional woodworking equipment. It can also be glued or mechanically fastened using the same materials and fasteners commonly used with wood. Bamboo is a low resin, open grained material that takes stains and finishes exceptionally well. Bamboo plywood comes in both an amber and natural light tone and is laminated to produce two different surface grains, edge and flat. The edge grain appears as 1/4" strips and the flat grain appears as 3/4" strips on the surface of the Bamboo plywood. It is then finish-sanded to a smooth 180 grit. Whether you are planning a small remodel or a national retail expansion, we have the bamboo material to do the job. Plyboo¨ Plywood can contribute points to a LEED¨ 2.1 or 2.2 project as rapidly renewable material in these categories: Credit MR 6, Rapidly Renewable Materials Credit EQ 4.1, Low-Emitting Materials, Adhesives and Sealants Credit EQ 4.2, Low-Emitting Materials, Paints and Coatings