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Manufacturer's Product Description

Maintenance personnel, inspectors and, on occasion, passengers are exposed to potential hazards on older elevators
Many of these dangers may be avoided by retrofitting systems with simple features that are standard on new Otis installations.
Elevator Pit Stop Switch
Strategically located at elevator pit entry and exit points, stop switches greatly enhance safety for personnel who work in the elevator pit, by preventing unexpected elevator movement. Stop switches complement OSHA's Lock-Out-Tag-Out program by providing an alternative means of shut-off, and eliminating reliance on the main-line disconnect.

Elevator Pit Light
Elevator pits can be extremely hazardous. The light creates a safer environment by providing maintenance personnel and inspectors with clear visibility.

Elevator Pit Ladder
A permanent pit ladder ensures that maintenance personnel and inspectors have the safest possible entry and exit.

Top-of-Car Guard Rail
Most mechanics and inspectors' work takes places on top of the elevator, where one missed step can mean disaster. Individual safety lines and harnesses offer dangers of their own, particularly snagging.
If the space between the car and the wall is 12'x12' or greater, top-of-car guard rails provide an effective solution — for mechanics and inspectors, and also in emergency situations in which passengers must be evacuated through the escape hatch.